We’re gearing up for our own version of ‘March Madness’ with our annual Strange Creek Battle of the Bands. BANDS can still register [email battle@strangecreekcampout.com], and FANS can still VOTE [www.strangecreekcampout.com/vote], until February 14. The top 36 vote-getting bands will square off at our four New England venues as they seek to claim a coveted “cabin set” at this year’s Strange Creek Campout.
Please come out and hear these bands throw down in friendly competition throughout the month of March at a venue near you! These shows are always free, and you can help determine who wins by letting us know who rocks you the hardest that night. Strange Creek tickets will also be available at each battle event.
Mondays at The Hartford Room (257 Asylum St., Hartford CT) – 21+
Tuesdays at Bishops Lounge (41 Strong Ave, Northampton MA) – 21+
Wednesdays at The Stone Church (5 Granite St., Newmarket NH) – 21+
Thursdays at Gemstones (105 Market St., Lowell MA) – 21+
Regional winners will go for the top prize on Saturday March 29 at Mill Street Brews (18 Mill St., Southbridge MA), it’ll be another Wormtown party for sure in our familiar stomping grounds… these things always end up in a blaze of musical glory!
Meanwhile, don’t miss out on the ‘Early Worm’ rate for Strange Creek Campout — $100.00 through mail order [strangecreekcampout.com/tickets] and Wormtown online purchasing through Valentine’s Day, February 14th. After that, local outlet and band sales begin and the advance purchase price of $110.00 goes into effect. Remember to buy early, as they go up again 2 weeks before the show. We consider this a discount off the full gate price for taking the plunge early with us, and we appreciate it.
Did you miss this Wormblast? Keep in touch, especially with SPRING COMING! Lots of big news to come in March, so join the WORMLIST: