Hello Worm Nation!

We hope you are finding ways to pass the time and stay sane. Online shopping is always a fun distraction, so head over to Wormtown.com/shop where you can find many of the items we sell at the booth available online. If there’s something you don’t see – something you saw at our booth at a festival, something that you purchased from us before or something that a friend has that you absolutely need – send an email to web@wormtown.com. For those who purchased merch for our virtual Camp-IN festival, the items have arrived and we are mailing orders as we speak, so keep an eye on your mailbox, then share photos with us on instagram and Facebook! 

With the summer now in full effect, we are missing festival season more than ever. We wanted to share a couple videos with you that will help to bring you a little Wormtown vibe to keep your spirits up while we wait for September: 

We hope you are staying safe and that these memories warm your soul until we meet again.

The Worms