Hello Friends!
As we work to put Camp Kee-Wanee back as we found it, and as tired as we are, we walk with a lighter step and a fuller heart as we look back over the weekend. After 16 years of StrangeCreek gatherings, the feeling of coming home and meeting all those smiling, friendly faces around every corner lifts us after a long winter. We are truly grateful to ALL of you who were part of it, whether working or performing or camping (or all of the above!) We know we are fortunate to have such a great community around us, and are proud of how we all come together at these events. Please share your pics and memories and reconnect with new friends on the event page!
If you lost anything, get in touch with us. If we have it, we’d love to try to get it back to you – email derek@wormtown.com with as much detail as you can.
And if 16 years of StrangeCreek has brought us close, imagine how close we’d be after TWENTY YEARS!! Well, you don’t have to imagine because Wormtown Music Festival is turning 20 in the fall! With festivals coming and going every year, we are very proud of our longstanding tradition and thank you all for helping us get this far. We hope you’ll join us again in the fall, and now is a great time to get your tickets. They are only $100 until midnight tomorrow (
Going to BONNAROO?? Come hang with us! Our legendary late-night music scene at Pod 3 has become an official attraction at the event – now called the BONNAROOVIAN RENEGADE STAGE – so we’ll be rocking our little jam stage even harder now! bonnaroo.com/for-roo-by-
As festival season kicks into high gear, have fun, travel safe and keep in touch! We love you!
The Worms