Hi Friends,
The warm glow of another great Wormtown Festival has subsided as we are reminded that other communities have a whole lot more cleaning up to do after recent devastating hurricanes in the Caribbean. And of course our hearts go out to all the fellow music fans, fellow festival workers, heroic first responders and performers affected by the recent horrific event in Las Vegas.
We want you to know that your donations at the festival, which were matched dollar for dollar by Wormtown, plus the raffle proceeds, raised well over $5000 for recovery and relief in the Virgin Islands – St. Thomas, St. Croix and St. John. But the hard work in the hard-hit Virgin Islands is far from over – and we encourage you to donate if you can. Singer Kenny Chesney is spearheading a personal campaign to directly help the islands he loves: kennychesney.com. And here’s another ongoing effort who could use your help: virginislandsrelief.org.
We are proud of how our community reaches beyond our gatherings to help others in need – we also collected a record amount of recycling to benefit Cancer Connection, and Strangers Helping Strangers gathered over 500 lb of food donations for families in Franklin County. We hope this spirit continues to grow; it’s what makes our community extra special.
LOOKING AHEAD, we hope to party with a whole bunch of you when we celebrate WORMTOWN’S ANNIVERSARY on SATURDAY NOVEMBER 11 at the (awesomely renovated) PALLADIUM in Worcester with our good friend ZACH DEPUTY!! Please welcome SARAH BLACKER as special opening guest to this night of fine music. The show is 18+, doors at 8, and tix are $18 in advance (get yours HERE!) or $20 at the door. Come out and rage with us!
Take care of yourselves out there, and keep those lovelights shinin’ – the world needs it.
The Worms